Scottish Lavender is a young adult fiction which portrays the journey of the protagonist, Ella’s life. From an adventurous farewell trip with her friends to a fairy tale like experience in a magical country called Merriborough, Ella faces several difficult choices to make. Will Ella make the correct choice when it matters the most?
Live your own Fairytale
This collection of 32 paintings by the 16-year-old artist—titled Euphoria —manifests a quest to breach the 'make-believe', to discover her true self. Muskaan wants to see the world for its beauty-just as it is, with no pre-conceived notions. At the same time, her paintings seem to urge viewers to reflect upon their own inner nature. Muskaan’s new collection-her second after the 2018 collection Evolving Enigma -is exuberant and devoid of inhibition.
Exhibition Details : 7 - 10 November, 2019 I 4 to 8 pm
Venue : Hutheesing Centre
Muskaan picked up the paint brush at the age of 8, and has not found any reason to put it down since. A student of Ahmedabad International School, the 16-year-old is also a published author. She has been continuing her artistic journey through self-exploration.
The instinctive art of Evolving Enigma
Home in the Hill
Muskaan's debut novel
Home in the Hill : A Granddaughter's Tales of Childhood Adventure is a collection of memories of teenager Muskaan as she remembers her childhood days spent at her grandma’s house in the hills. The book, written while Muskaan was 15, is a fictional memoir of her childhood misadventures.