1st October 2022

Last time I felt this happy was 3 months ago. To be very frank, I don’t feel happy. The emotions that I feel can’t really be put into words – I feel like painting a painting in all white. A blank canvas, just covered...

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One Of Those Days

Okay, the title of this blog post is kind of misleading because it’s still only morning here while I am typing this. Today was one of the mornings when I spent all my time smiling – all to myself. I have still met not...

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The ones that love us,  The ones that make us,  Don’t we believe that souls might be Gods?  Probably just a version of a God?  It’s quite bizarre how —  We only feel loved by Him  When it does the same —  Be it...

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Freedom to me these days is taking off my mask in the traffic for a second to inhale fresh air and then putting it back on Freedom isn’t constant,But the longing is. A hundred years ago the ones who longed for freedom,Later longed for...

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Eccentric or genius?

I have often noticed how the most genius of people might have rather twisted ideas, would be absent-minded or simply lost. They might also be impertinently proud or maybe even shy. But where does eccentricity come from? While the definition of genius is a...

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Literature and Life : Pygmalion

Pygmalion, a famous play which is also recognised as ‘My Fair Lady’ is a story of a flower girl — Eliza Dolittle and Professor Higgins. The plot is rather interesting and full of depth. Beginning with the most interesting question, why Pygmalion? Several people...

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Crimson taboo

I recently started a non-profit initiative with my friend, Shirley Trivedi. We were heartbroken when we realised that not all girls in India have the privilege to be aware and confident about their menstruation cycles. This is the reason why we wish to reach...

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Hope during an epidemic

A coin has two faces…in the same manner, while this painting resembles a Sun, it also resembles the structure of the virus that has been giving the world such a hard time; coronavirus. All we can do during this time is look at the...

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My Grandpa

He looks at me, gazes at me. With love, compassion and desire; Desire to keep me safe and happy. I have never seen him, And yet I have. I look at his picture, And I never want to take my eyes away. I am...

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Somewhere in there

There’s an ache,  A tiny fire  An ache somewhere in there  Somewhere in the heart.  Nothing is wrong,  It’s better than it has ever been  And yet There’s something in there.  Something that’s been pricking, Like a sharp needle Somewhere in there Where it...

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It’s such a coincidence, isn’t it? When something that began with pessimism, Becomes an adventure of a lifetime. It’s a miracle, isn’t it? When the person you’d least expected, Stands beside you. A matter of trust A pinch of selflessness A tinge of sacrifice...

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Pulwama Like many fellow citizens, I too was deeply pained to know about the Pulwama attack that transpired on February 14, 2019. The event filled me with deep agony, and I could only imagine the suffering this would have caused to the dear ones...

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Amazon As one becomes aware of one’s relationship with nature, one realises the reality of inter-dependence. That all of us – man, animal and plants – residing on this planet are in some way, deeply connected. And when someone as close to us suffers,...

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